Multiscale Precision Instrumentation Laboratory
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Upcoming events:
Photonics West, January 27 - Feb 1, 2024.
Past events (2023):
S. Chen, “Multi-material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Light Sheets”, Tan Kah Kee Innovation Laboratory, Xiamen University, China, Dec. 25, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Light Sheets”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Nov 26 - Dec 1, 2023.
S. Chen, “High-throughput Multi-material Nanoscale 3D Printing based on Femtosecond Light Sheets”, SMSD Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, Nov 13, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-material 3D Nanofabrication based on Ultrafast Lasers and Swellable Hydrogels,” Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering, Boston, MA, USA, Nov 12 - 17, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-Material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Projection Technology”, Department Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, August 15th, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-Material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Projection Technology”, Department Seminar, Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials, Soochow University, China, July 15th, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-Material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Projection Technology”, Department Seminar, School of Physics and Microelectronics, Hunan University, China, July 20th, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Light Sheets,” invited presentation, 44th PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Session S063: Laser Processing and Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, July 3 - 7th, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Projection Technology,” invited presentation, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2023), Session D-AM2, Singapore, June 29th, 2023.
S. Chen, “Ultrafast Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Projection Technology,” Keynote Speech, 18th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2023), Jeju, Korea, May 14 - 17, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-Material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Projection Technology”, Department Seminar, Department of Precision Instrument, Tsinghua University, China, April 8, 2023.
S. Chen, “Multi-Material Nanoscale 3D Fabrication based on Femtosecond Projection Technology”, Colloquium Seminar, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, March 3, 2023.